Dr Tita Emmanuel Resigns as President of Ambazonia IG3 Faction
I can now confirm that Dr. Emmanuel Tita has resigned as President of the IG faction appointed last week by the Restoration Council. Highly placed sources have confirmed to BaretaNews Exclusive that the Sako led faction threatened him with a damaging audio he had made once ‘in bed’ with Sako team.

I have also been reliable informed that Ambazonians in Florida came up with some disturbing issues against Tita. The RC also failed to install Tita as he refused some conditions.Ambazonians are worried whether RC did a Tita background check after failing to do that with Sako Ikome.

In the resignation Letter, he uses his professional Business Letter head, and not the one for ambazonian.
Advanced Care Pharmacy,12811 N Nebraska Ave,
Tampa, FL 33612, Ph: 813-252-3157, Fax: 813-252-3192
Dear Compatriots,
joined this revolution like most of you to fight the enemy, take our country back and fight anything and anyone who stands in our way. l was one of those who believed that the Restoration Council had a genuine case against the President as presented by some of our compatriots, and believed that if properly impeached he should be replaced but I was mistaken. l am objective, and l believe in institutions and in the supremacy of the constitution.
I engaged in this process of change – the purported nomination and election to the office of President of Ambazonia, to replace our current President, with the belief that it was the right thing to do, but with the intention to also investigate and be sure that history will not put me on the wrong side. Fellow compatriots, l have some alarming discoveries which have caused me to reconsider my judgement today. My conscience will not allow me to continue in what appears to be an enterprise of hate that has the propensity to destroy our struggle for a free homeland.
I discovered after close observation and investigation that most of what Chairman KOMETA and his group based their so-called impeachment on were innuendos and fabrication. was not given a single credible proof. And from the integrity of my heart, I have decided that I won’t be part of a project founded on lies.
I believe that our house-the IG needs some fixes. l also believe that the struggle needs some fixes, but we can not do these through hate and self-destruction. I want to ask Ambazonians or anyone who thought before now, that I chose the wrong side to forgive me. But I also believe that if l didn’t do this, l probably wouldn’t have discovered the true intentions of the masterminds of these enterprises of hate against our struggle.
Some time in the future l will speak to you and others in greater detail about my discoveries and all the reasons that informed my decision to withdraw from the flawed process of replacing the president of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia Dr. Samuel ikome Sako; and even if our intentions were good and the process wasn’t flawed, and everything was done in full legality and constitutionality, my family’s security is paramount at this time.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and understanding.
SoS ofthe Department ofHsS.
(A.KA. Interim President-Elect )-Tuesday, 22nd February 2022
CC,The President OfFRA
The Restoration Council
The Ethics Committee
The CabinetofFRA
The People of Ambazonia
Dr Tita Emmanuel was bullied very well and threatened. His elder sister who lives in LRC, Bonaberi #Douala, Ancienne Route, was threatened to disown him.It should be noted that Dr Tita grew up with her and he is a former student of GBHS Bonaberi where he had his O level before moving to CCAST Bambili for his A levels.The sister has a Hotel in #Buea called Cathy Hostel at UB entrance. Dr Tita’s brother-in-law is a well respected man in Cameroon. Their family business interests in Cameroon and their family business in LRC were attacked, so he had to resign.Does this means Sako does not have anything that can also be used to threaten him? BaretaNews ExclusiveFebruary 22nd, 2022