Are we seeing the end of the Red dragons?
Two amba boys crossing from Mbo to Lebialem have been neutralized by the BIR at Tagweh. July 12, 2021 – They were going to join Oliver Lekeaka, Film Masha of (Red Dragons) of #Lebialem. Imagine that in July 2021, Red Dragons fighters are still carrying DANE GUNS and Dane CARTRIDGES. See the photo evidence for yourself.
Last week, 3 Red Dragons were killed by the Cameroon military. Another 5 were captured alive. The captured amba boys led the military to Oliver’s camp on 7 July 2021, but Oliver escaped. The camp was destroyed. With only few boys left around him, Oliver called for re-enforcement. Some of the boys who were coming to Oliver were shot at, and these two were killed, some injured. The red dragons went from over 800 boys in 2018, to about 30 in 2021. We are witnessing what looks like the end for the Red Dragons.
Oliver, who enjoyed making propaganda videos to show off his boys, has since gone underground, afraid to make any videos. The last video outing, he displayed les than 20 fighters. Eric Tataw, an ambazonian activist said Oliver has only 12 fighters left in his camp.

The IG propaganda wing released a 2018 video claiming that it was Red dragons in 2021. The video was debunked by Capo Daniel (ADF) who pointed to the fact that the propaganda video had Ayeke in it. Ayeke was killed 0n 13 October 2020 by the Cameroon Military.

One of the Red dragon fighters who surrendered to the DDR sent a stern message to Oliver yesterday 11 July, declaring that his end has come. His name, Beltus Ateasong, said all the excombattants and people of Lebialem will come after Oliver. See video below.