No More Ghost Towns, from Dr Akwanga and Dr Ayaba Cho Lucas
In a stunning reversal of policy, the Commander in Chief of Ambazonia Defense Forces (ADF) and president of the Ambazonia Governing Council (AGovC), Dr Cho Ayaba, in collaboration with the Leader of APLM and Southern Cameroons Defense Forces (SOCADEF), Dr Ebenezer Akwanga, these two leaders of the ambazonia secessionist movement have decided to call off the phenomenon of Ghost Towns all together.
No More Ghost Towns.
The Ambazonia Governing Council and ADF declare the end of Ghost towns in Ambazonia.
This is a policy change after a review of recent events. We have noticed that for over four years of Ghost Towns, it has not produced the desired results. We declare no more Ghost towns.
Dr. Ayaba Cho Lucas, Commander in Chief, 14 June 2021

Dr Ebenezer Akwanga goes on to say he will support Dr Cho Ayaba for this move, which is a move that he has advised years ago, but he was not listened to.
This is what I have said long time ago, Comrade Ayaba knows that.. I have discussed this with him. He can testify… From the very moment they started this stuff, I said listen.. this thing is not going to yield anything to us… It is a temporal measure. It is not something that you do in the course of a liberation struggle.
That is a decision he has taken with his team. That is good… I have spoken about this behind the scene long time ago.
If they have a modicum of truth, they can testify that i stood against it in the beginning because I asked what is the end game?
Dr. Ebenezer Akwanga, Live on Facebook, 14 June 2021
Dr Ebenezer goes on to castigate ambazonians as dull people, some of who cannot be redeemed, sending empty threats to eachother, throwing insults on social media.. Watch the video above. He declares.. Some ambazonians need to stop telling lies.. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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