The End of the red dragon – Oliver Lekeaka promises to burn down #Lebialem because of Blacklegs

FMA Oliver Lekeaka is rattled – Desperate Times for the Red dragons – They went from over a thousand AmbaBoys in 2018 to less than 30 in 2022, hiding and afraid of blacklegs – The downfall of Red dragons is also due to their own atrocities – Like the killing of chiefs in Essoh-Atah, burning of people’s homes, and burrying people alive, infighting etc. Wherever AmbaBoys pass in Lebialem, people call the military and report, because their Atrocities, kidnappings, random killings and extortion has turned the population against the struggle. Its a bitter truth Many don’t want to accept. Oliver himself is making the point clear in this audio. Listen to the audio to get a better insight to the state of affairs in #Lebialem. Oliver is now crying that they did not receive any “Wardraft” in 2020 & 2021. So the question comes back to.. WHERE IS WARDRAFT? Was it just Facebook money? The little that was raised, was it used to pay Sako’s rents only?? If Chris Anu’s own brother can complain that he did not see wardraft funding then who has received it? BaretaNews Exclusive

Desperate Times – Audio Rantings of Oliver Lekeaka – He is afraid to make videos because he has less than 10 boys left.

Mark Bareta

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