Video – IG Sako & Anu Banned ADF, AMF & SOCADEF from G0

The IG Bans ADF, AMF and SOCADEF from Ground Zero.

1) All ADF, AMF and SOCADEF Activities are Banned
2) No ADF Forces are allowed to exist. All communities are empowered to self police and device methods to encounter all non ASC forces.
3) The IG disowns and distances itself from AGovC and Cho Ayaba and all their activies. Moving forward, the AGovC shall have no place in any IG collaborative platforms.
4) Ambazonians world wide should suspend all contributions and funding to the AgovC.
5) Remove all AGovC surrogates from the forums, block and deny membership to ADF members, because they are bad actors of the revolution. No sharing of ADF or AGovC content. Defaulters should be removed by Admins.
6) Ban all AGovC meetings/conventions all over the world, and report them to the local police in the diaspora
7) The IG urges Ground zero to send evidence of any ADF killings and kidnappings to the IG

Until very recently, we thought that the only front that we had to deal with, was from French Cameroon, but it is but obvious that we have another front to deal with. This other front is even more dangerous because it is an enemy within the house. But make no mistake. The IG is capable of crushing any obstacle that wants to raise it’s ugly head, and confront all detractors, sell-outs and traitors.

Mr Ayaba Cho, we now know beyond any doubt that he has been compromised by French Cameroon. He was compromised because of greed, lust for power and control.

Most of the social crisis emanating from Gz, 60% comes from ADF and 30% linked to SOCADEF and AMF. In efforts to raise funds to enrich themselves, they instruct their fighters to kidnap for millions of frs Ransoms.

We have evidence of ADF making calls, threatening our people to make payments or face kidnappings. Akwanga is on record accepting that they kidnapped Rev Father Jude and others, and they received over 6 million frs Ransoms, and he sealed the doors of churches on Camera. Dr Akwanga confessed publicly on Facebook live, that the money extorted from the Rev Fathers will be used to fund the revolution.

We call on Dr Akwanga to return the money to the church and tender and apology to the church and the tortured victims. Etc etc..

Chris Anu, Facebook Live.
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Mark Bareta

On BaretaNews.Com, you will get BaretaNews, Journalism not activism
