FMA Oliver of Red Dragons #Lebialem was killed by ADF General Efang
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE NEWS – *FMA Oliver of Red Dragons #Lebialem was neutralised by ADF General Big Number Efang,* according to intel coming from Ground Zero. Listen to these two audios till the end, eye witness on the ground speaking, confirming how the events transpired.

1) Oliver FMA was killed by hand, not by gun. He was hit on the head with a stick.
2) He could only have been assassinated like this, by someone who knew every detail about his movements, and it had to be someone who could approach #RedDragon camp without being noticed.
3) This attack was well calculated especially after seeing that Red Dragons had less than 10 fighters they sneaked into the camp with Bare Hands to kill him. The ADF Assassination team comprised of about five boys, who attacked the camp in broad daylight, between 10 AM and just before mid day on 12 July 2022.
4) This is also a confirmation that Oliver was NOT killed by the BIR. All Evidence indicates that it was not the BIR. After ADF Gen Efang must have assassinated Oliver, Gen Efang then took the pictures of his dead body and sent them out to the Cameroon military. Efang then told the military where the camp and the body was located.
5) Efang then used an anonymous WhatsApp number to send the details to us at BaretaNews Exclusive.
6) We can confirm that Oliver FMA of Red Dragons was not killed by LRC because after BaretaNews Broke the news, some top LRC military generals contacted BaretaNews to ask if the news was genuine or propaganda.
Chris Anu, John Egywan, Christensia Asong, Marianta, Paul Nilong, Yerima, Sama Thomas and a host of other Ambazonians from all factions also called myself (Mark Bareta) to verify if the news was true. The ONE group that did not call us, was ADF faction. Ayaba Cho (President of AGovC ADF) did not make contact, Capo Daniel did not make contact. Capo Daniel (Spokesperson of the ADF) was the first to make an official statement to confirm that Oliver FMA of Lebialem had been killed.
7) Our Military sources within LRC military thought that this news was an attempt by ADF to set a bait and ambush the BIR. This explains why they BIR did not go to the camp initially. It was only later that they believed the story and sent a detachment to the location described by Efang. They arrived heavily armed and prepared for any potential ambush or unpleasant surprise. This is why it took the BIR 30 hours to arrive the scene of the Assassination.

The military pictures circulating on WhatsApp were taken 24 hours AFTER Oliver was killed, that is why the pictures are date stamped 13 July 2022. Oliver was actually killed some 30 hours before the BIR arrived the scene. We can conclude that this is another sad case of amba vs amba.
Ivo Mbah was also killed by other amba boys, then the BIR were called to come and collect the corpse.
Same thing happened in Bamenda, September 2020, General Mad Dog (Fonteh Lucas) of #Mankon was killed by General Cross and Die, then Cross called the military to come and collect his corpse.
General Divine was killed by amba.

In 2018, Big Number Efang attacked Commando’s camp and Nambere. Nambere captured Efang and released him. Commando, King of #Momo forest survived. In November 2021, Commando was assassinated BY amba.
#Bui39 Massacre (ADF fighters) were killed by General Chacha of Bui Warriors, directed by Chris Anu and Sako Ikome. This happened on 20 Jan 2020.
General Chacha himself was killed 6 days later, (26 Jan 2020) by other amba boys as a revenge.
That’s when Insobu became General of Bui Warriors.
FM Insobu was killed by FM No Pity on 08 April 2022.
General Wolf was killed by the Unity Warriors belonging to No Pity on 16 April 2022.
General Ayeke killed General Roma on 30 Aug 2020, and Ayekeh also killed Vincent Fonchinallah amongst many others, including the burning of Bangang village.
Oliver FMA himself has killed over 50 amba boys in Lebialem, burying some of them alive.. We have video evidence to show for this.
Lets not forget the Boyo incident, General Amigo vs General RK, 2018. Amigo ended up being killed by RK, and again, called the military to come and collect the body, so that it would look like the military did it.

#Guzang #Batibo massacres (there were 3 separate Guzang massacres, in total, over 20 amba boys killed by other amba boys) because of infighting. General Biabia and Gen. Tiger perished here.
#Munyenge Massacre, (18 amba boys) killed by other amba boys, because of infighting.
Who killed General Opopo of SOCADEF? It was amba boys, Gabonaise killed Opopo on 30 June 2021.
General Animal Pikin of #Manyu was killed and beheaded by General Papi, 21 Dec 2021. The list goes on and on and on..
Boss Acid, Koraman, General A2 of Unity warriors, Many Tiger of Bui, General Obak of Ndu, Gen spoiler of Bafanji, General Sam of Small Ekombe, etc etc..
BN Exclusive continues the investigation. Stay Tuned. All the doubting Thomas will be put to shame.
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*Mark Bareta.*
Journalism is not Activism.

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